Winston's Wish supports children and young people after the death of a parent, sibling, friend, teacher or someone they admire from afar.
Contact Winston's Wish on or telephone 08088 020021
Supporting your child when someone dies
Place to be has a lot of support advice as well as some frequently asked questions.
Traumatic Bereavement
This short video, created by the UK Trauma Council explores experiences of bereavement in young people and how schools and families can work together to support.

Traumatic Bereavement
This information handout may help to guide parents and carers through the traumatic bereavement process.
There are a number of resources on this website for adults and children.
Contact 0808 8081677 or for support.
Child bereavement UK
A range of resources to support children who have been bereaved. Contact 0800 0288840 or for support.