Year 6

USA and Egypt

Welcome to Year 6

What are we doing this term?

Please see our Newsletters for Summer below.  

Egypt Summer 2024.pdf
USA Summer 2024.pdf

Oracy - Public Service Announcement: Supporting Refugees in the UK

Year 6 have worked extremely hard on their oracy skills so far this year.  The classes have worked particularly hard on the physical use of their voice and bodies to engage their audience socially and emotionally. They have also been focusing on improving their use of rhetorical techniques. Using the skills they have developed, and the learning they have engaged with around the refugee crisis, the children worked in groups to create a public service announcement to support with child refugees coming to UK schools.

World War 2 Art

Year 6 have produces some stunning art work linking with our Autumn term topic on World War 2. They used to sketches by celebrated sculptor Henry Moore as a focus artist. Using Moore as inspiration, they have created some outstanding pieces of work.