Design Technology
Design Technology at Meadow
The National Curriculum for D&T forms the foundation for our own curriculum with the intent of inspiring children to use their creativity and imagination in a practical subject. These themes are consistent throughout both Key Stages from Year 1 to Year 6.
We believe that these practical developments can be used in a cross-curricular manner, usually being applied to Science or Context for Learning sessions. This enables the subject to link with other areas of the curriculum, providing a more enriching experience for all children. All learners will be given the chance to express their ideas and thoughts, before engaging in the different processes of Design and Technology (identification of problem; product and market research; design; make and evaluate).
Subject Lead
Miss Bethan Parker
Intent, Implementation, Impact

Curriculum Overview
Progression of Objectives

End points at each stage of learning.

Vocabulary Ladder
Children will be exposed to a wide range of subject specific vocabulary in Design Technology.
National Curriculum Links

Pupil Voice
Teachers' learning
Meadow staff explore the Research, Design, Make Evaluate cycle in DT.
Marshmallow & spaghetti structures
Staff had to plan, test and revise designs to make the tallest free-standing structure.
Year 1: Food Technology - Sandwich making
Year 2
Wheels and Axles - Fire engines
Year 3
Food Technology (healthy diet) - fruit smoothies
Pneumatics - An Egyptian sarcophagus
Year 4: Electrical systems and switches - travel games
Year 5: Mechanisms (cams) - Moving animals

Year 6: Food technology - rationing recipes
General Design Technology images
Additional Activities to Support Learning